Sorry I have been away, its been busy around here. I have decided to pink nails for most of the month of October. I had purple nails on the 1st and I will have Halloween themed nails on the 31st, otherwise it is pink all the way.
- here is my first pink mani for this month. I haven't taken pictures of every mani, but I really liked this one. Sorry it is still a little messy.
Also check out this great giveaway over at Ashley is PolishAddicted for her 1 year blogiversary!!
Ashley is PolishAddicted: One Year Blogiversary Giveaway!:
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
another flat iron inspired mani, that sounds strange
First of all I got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy S III and it takes fantastic pictures!!!! This means more pictures and maybe more posts.
Here is my inspiration for today's mani. I got an email from Ulta this last week that had this straightener advertised and I thought it would make a good mani.
It is a little blurry, I'm still learning to use my phone. Also this phone is huge and hard to hold with 1 hand and take pictures.
Until next time.......
Here is my inspiration for today's mani. I got an email from Ulta this last week that had this straightener advertised and I thought it would make a good mani.
Until next time.......
Thursday, September 13, 2012
While flat ironing my hair today I looked at my flat iron and thought it was pretty and I bet I could to a mani that is quite similar to it. It was also an excuse to try out my Cheeky nail plates that arrives on Tuesday.
pardon my clean up job, I'm just not that good at cleaning up after stamping.
My flat iron is a chi and I got it from ulta, if you wanted to know.
Toodles for now
p.s. I have a pic heavy post that I hope to get up this weekend. Also I am hoping for a new camera in the new future, my phone just isn't cutting it.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Ok back to business
I have some manis to share with you...
The first one is pink. I found these Cala Nail Strips in a cute plaid design.
I really liked the pattern of these nail strips, however they were very rigid. They were not very flexible and it was hard to get them trimmed to fit my nail right because they were plastic. Needless to say this was a one day manicure.
Next one is orange, plain orange.
I got an awesome orange from Ulta, its just a nice vibrant creamy orange. So I put a sheer sparkly orangy color on top for that extra pop. Ulta's Sun of a Gun with Wet N Wild's 9021orange on top.
BTW I'm trying to be more artsy fartsy with my backgrounds so I tried using an orange towel that I have.
Last mani on file is a charcoal grey glitter.
I used Sally Girl IQ-812020 with China Glaze's Some like it Haute on top
It looks black, but it is grey.
The first one is pink. I found these Cala Nail Strips in a cute plaid design.
Next one is orange, plain orange.
I got an awesome orange from Ulta, its just a nice vibrant creamy orange. So I put a sheer sparkly orangy color on top for that extra pop. Ulta's Sun of a Gun with Wet N Wild's 9021orange on top.
BTW I'm trying to be more artsy fartsy with my backgrounds so I tried using an orange towel that I have.
Last mani on file is a charcoal grey glitter.
I used Sally Girl IQ-812020 with China Glaze's Some like it Haute on top
It looks black, but it is grey.
Also remind me to do a post on my haul from Ulta and my new indie polish when it gets here.....
Oh and here are my manicure helpers hard at work
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Bloggity Bloggity
Hey Sister, I'm posting, its not going to make much sense.
So the nail polish blog thing hasn't been a priority in while. So maybe I will just make this a blog about stuff and things.
Billy's dad got remarried in August. (his mom passed away from cancer back in April 2009) I don't think the kids (billy and his siblings) were really ready for this, but it is what it is. The new wife lives in AZ and Billy's father moved there this weekend. So we aren't really sure if we will ever see him again. Billy's Grandma (mom's mom, and was the only surviving member of his mom's family that he knew) passed away the day after the wedding, so yeah. August was not a good month really.
Its 3am and I should go to bed, but I am not tired. Lots of things going on in my head.
here is a pictures of cats for your viewing pleasure!
So the nail polish blog thing hasn't been a priority in while. So maybe I will just make this a blog about stuff and things.
Billy's dad got remarried in August. (his mom passed away from cancer back in April 2009) I don't think the kids (billy and his siblings) were really ready for this, but it is what it is. The new wife lives in AZ and Billy's father moved there this weekend. So we aren't really sure if we will ever see him again. Billy's Grandma (mom's mom, and was the only surviving member of his mom's family that he knew) passed away the day after the wedding, so yeah. August was not a good month really.
Its 3am and I should go to bed, but I am not tired. Lots of things going on in my head.
here is a pictures of cats for your viewing pleasure!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
I tried my hand at nail art last night.
I started with my accent finger.
and then I though what do I do with all my other fingers, I painted them white, but I wasn't sure if I was just going to have white fingers or if I should do a stamp. So I looked at some of my bundle monster plates and saw some that had other fruits. I thought, I could free hand that, maybe. So I took a shot at it.
And this is what I came up with. Cherries, Strawberries, grapes, and a lime. I tried doing grapefruit on my thumb but it didn't turn out the best, Also my right hand definitely doesn't look as good as my left, which I think turned out alright for my first try. All I used were dotting tools.
I have a disposable pallet from an art class I had which is great for putting nail polish on for dotting, or trying out swatches, or I even use it for stamping. It feels kind of like wax paper, but is a bit thicker.
I started with my accent finger.
and then I though what do I do with all my other fingers, I painted them white, but I wasn't sure if I was just going to have white fingers or if I should do a stamp. So I looked at some of my bundle monster plates and saw some that had other fruits. I thought, I could free hand that, maybe. So I took a shot at it.
And this is what I came up with. Cherries, Strawberries, grapes, and a lime. I tried doing grapefruit on my thumb but it didn't turn out the best, Also my right hand definitely doesn't look as good as my left, which I think turned out alright for my first try. All I used were dotting tools.
These are the dotting tools that I have, I found them on They are Mash brand and were like $4
I'm not a huge fan of this mani, I think it is going to be a one day mani. But it was fun to try something new and different.
I have a disposable pallet from an art class I had which is great for putting nail polish on for dotting, or trying out swatches, or I even use it for stamping. It feels kind of like wax paper, but is a bit thicker.
The brand of my is Utrecht, which is an art supplier, but I'm sure most stores that sell art supplies would have something like this. (i.e. Hobby Lobby, Michaels)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Hello Readers,
I know you're thinking, 2 posts in one week, amazing!! I know....
I wanted to share my mani. I thought the color was pretty.
This is China Glaze's For Audrey with Nubar's Absolute holo on top
Absolute by itself is rather sheer and not as intense as most holos go.
I had to take pictures in my car before I went to work since there was lots of sun.
See the difference? Pictures inside don't look as vibrant. As you will also notice in the following pictures. Maybe I can find a good light for indoor pictures this week.
I also got some mini bottles of Lush Lacquer from Etsy in the mail. Sadly one bottle was broken =(
I can't wait to use them.
(I love how the bubble wrap is nice and sharp in this photo but that actual subject is blurry, thanks phone camera =P)
This is the one that broke, its a clear base with a whole bunch of different colored and sized glitter. FUN!
It is probably my fault that it got broken. When I ordered it thru paypal I didn't check the address it was being sent to and it was shipped to my previous address. So it was forwarded and went back to Minneapolis then it was redelivered back at my old place and then after a call to the post office the other day it was finally delivered today. Plus its been ungodly hot here and sitting in a hot mail box probably isn't the best for nail polish. So if you are purchasing using paypal, make sure to check the shipping address before ordering to avoid sad nail polish. However I think if I tape up the bottom real well I can salvage the bottle and still be able to use some of the polish. Yippie!
Here are the other two of my order. Birthday cake is a white base with rainbow glitter. Reminds me of funfetti cake. Party Hearty is a light shimmery pink base with pink and blue glitters and blue hearts.
a better view of the actual polish
I thought I would share with you the base and top coats that I use.
This is the base coat I use. I think it is making my nails stronger. It says use once a week, which is what I do, otherwise I use Sally Hansen base and top coat with the blue lid. I get most of my Orly purchases from Sally Beauty or Ulta (when I am able to get to one)
This is the top coat I use most of the time. Seche Vite, don't ask me how to pronounce it. I like it because it dries fast and it is super shiny. Its usually $7-$9. It is also available at Sally Beauty and I find it at a local drug store. I don't think I have seen it at Walgreens.
Its over.....
until next post.....
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Hey Sister, here's my new post.
My sister said that she wanted me to write more in my blog. So here I am writing....
I have been busy with life and also have not yet put batteries in my camera, but I got a step closer by buying some. So, I don't have a lot of mani pictures for your viewing pleasure. I did, however, take a bunch of picture with my phone of new polishes, and my nail polish/make up "station." And I did take one of my mani today.
This is The Icing's Hey Sailor Boy with Jordana's Cosmic on top. Both of great blue and green glitters.
Hey Sailor boy is a blue base with small blue glitter and larger green glitter, while Cosmic is a clear base with big green, silver, and blue glitters. In this picture it looks dark almost black. but it is actually a nice cobalt blue.
Here are my new polishes since I've been away.
Mint Gelato is kind of sheer, so multiple coats are needed, it is kind of a robin's egg blue, maybe a little more green. It also has a delicious mint chocolate smell, even after dry. IT purple is redviolet metallic. Midnight Queen is is sheer navy base with irridescent shimmer/glitter.
Sorry this photo is blurry. Lavenbaby is one of my favorites. It is an opaque solid color,and a nice pinky purple. Holo Chrome is a sheer periwinkle base with silver holo glitters. Disco purple looks black in this picture, it is a dark purple, but not that dark. It does have some shimmer to it too.
Moonstuck is a duo polish from Revlon, one side is a lilac color with some shimmer and the other is a light pink/purple with silver glitter.
I'm not a big gold person, I've gotten better though, I do have some gold jewelry now. (no its not Mr. T style either) Anyway I really like A Show at the Palladium as a gold color, its not gaudy. Peacock chunky, could have a better name, its a clear base with blue, purple, and green glitter hexagons. I have it on my toes on top of IT purple. Silver star is fun. its a clear base with holo silver glitter and silver stars. I had red, white, and blue nails for the 4th with this over them. You do have to try hard to get a star out of there though and the glitter is sparse, so you need a couple of coats.
Now on to where it all happens, haha
This is where I do my make in the mornings and paint my nails at night (usually). Its one of my old computer desks. It is kind of messy, but it is in the extra bedroom and there's not a lot of space. Also the other shelves on the desk, which I did not take a picture of, are full of papers, files, etc.
Here is my stash. Its not as many as most polish bloggers have, but its a lot according to my husband. In the blue bin I have top/base coats, glitter polishes, and small bottles of polish. The clear bin is all regular polish.
I got this cubby at Staples, it was about $16 and I don't remember how much the little bins were. I had to take these pink ones off the display. I have glitter stuff in one and cotton ball, make sponges, cotton pads in the other. I have my tools (buffer block, stamping stuff, tape, etc) in the little black drawer thing. In the stripy jar I have cotton balls. I found the little pink tray things at the dollar tree-4 for $1. I figured I would find a use for them, and I did. I have nail files in one and samples from my birchbox in the other. The polishes out are the ones I used tonight, which I mentioned earlier.
So there you have it.
wet n' wild
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Sorry I have been away for a while, I have been BUSY. Also my camera ran out of batteries and I have been needing to get some more. I bought more nail polish of course, so I will need to share that with you too!
In the mean time, here is a picture of some cute animals cupcakes
Sorry I have been away for a while, I have been BUSY. Also my camera ran out of batteries and I have been needing to get some more. I bought more nail polish of course, so I will need to share that with you too!
In the mean time, here is a picture of some cute animals cupcakes
Feel free to look me up on pinterest: slotmasheena
Thursday, June 7, 2012
80s awesomeness!!!
Hey All, this is going to be short because its 2am.
I have some manis to share. I had a very busy weekend, but it was a lot of fun.
Here are my 80s inspired mani, I think it turned out pretty well for how rushed I was.
I took this picture on Sunday after my long weekend, so my nails look a little rough. Once again the colors aren't as vibrant as they are in real life. I did get a lot of compliments on this mani.
I really liked to patchwork many from my 80s mani so I decided to try it on all my fingers.
It was hard doing this on all my fingers. I used Revlon"s french duo in Moon struck for the base and tips and then Bon Bon's silver. This definitely isn't one of my best manis.
I have some manis to share. I had a very busy weekend, but it was a lot of fun.
Here are my 80s inspired mani, I think it turned out pretty well for how rushed I was.
I took this picture on Sunday after my long weekend, so my nails look a little rough. Once again the colors aren't as vibrant as they are in real life. I did get a lot of compliments on this mani.
I really liked to patchwork many from my 80s mani so I decided to try it on all my fingers.
It was hard doing this on all my fingers. I used Revlon"s french duo in Moon struck for the base and tips and then Bon Bon's silver. This definitely isn't one of my best manis.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Rainbow Dotting
Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. I had to go to Minneapolis for training. At least I got to do some shopping while up there and scored some nail polish. My husband was a good sport while I browsed through Ulta. (yeah, I brought him with, he golfed while I had to sit and watch power points for 8 hours)
I have big plans for this weekend. There is a golf tournament that my husband participates in every year. I'm going with for shits and giggles, but not participating. I am going more for the after party where the Spazmatics are performing. For those of you who don't know, the Spazmatics are an 80's cover band that dresses as nerds and are thoroughly entertaining. Anyway a bunch of us are getting dressed up in 80's gear to attend this shin-dig. Its going to be totally rad. (just getting into character) =) This will be relevant later....
Anyway on to the nail polish.
Here is some loot: I got the two stripe rites and the sally girls today. I wanted some neon colors to paint my fingers for the 80's weekend.
I have big plans for this weekend. There is a golf tournament that my husband participates in every year. I'm going with for shits and giggles, but not participating. I am going more for the after party where the Spazmatics are performing. For those of you who don't know, the Spazmatics are an 80's cover band that dresses as nerds and are thoroughly entertaining. Anyway a bunch of us are getting dressed up in 80's gear to attend this shin-dig. Its going to be totally rad. (just getting into character) =) This will be relevant later....
Anyway on to the nail polish.
Here is some loot: I got the two stripe rites and the sally girls today. I wanted some neon colors to paint my fingers for the 80's weekend.
Pixel: Spy Wear, the stripe rites didn't have names, Essence: Space Queen, and Sally Girl: 812155 & 812157. (I'm kind of sad that the yellow and pink didn't show up as neon as they are in real life)
Orly: Fowl Play, After Party, Haley's Comet
Sadly in the last week and a half the long nails I had left tore and so now all my nails are short =(
But I made the most of it and did a fun mani today.
I did this on my toes a couple months ago and loved it, so I decided to do it with neon colors. I used my dotting tool to make lines of the different colors. I had some issues with anticipating the spacing but I made it work. I used the yellow stripe rite and the 2 Sally Girl polishes that I mentioned earlier in this post. I also used Wet n Wild's Sunny Side Up, Sally Hansen's Brisk Blue, and Sinful Colors' Innocent. With a white base of Loreal's I Will. and of course Seche Vite fast drying top coat for shine.
I found my camera that I've had since 2006. I used it for pictures today. I think it takes ok pictures, perhaps a little better than my phone. I think they are both 8 megapixels.
Anyway that's all I have for now, I hope to come up a fun 80's inspired mani to share.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Sorry its been a while. But I have 2 manis for your viewing pleasure.
I got a new coral color (which is a color I am really loving right now) from Sally Hansen called Temptation. To me it is just the right blend, its not too pink or too orange. So I decided to do a dot mani using my new color.
It makes me sad that my camera doesn't doesn't quite pick up the color as well as I would like. Which is a reason for my lack of posts recently. But here is a picture anyway.
So I sported that mani for a couple days until it began chipping. Also my dots became dull after a while. Definitely not a many for extended wear.
I also really like Revlon's Whimsical. so I layered that over China Glaze's For Audrey.
I got a new coral color (which is a color I am really loving right now) from Sally Hansen called Temptation. To me it is just the right blend, its not too pink or too orange. So I decided to do a dot mani using my new color.
It makes me sad that my camera doesn't doesn't quite pick up the color as well as I would like. Which is a reason for my lack of posts recently. But here is a picture anyway.
btw: I did clean up around my nail edges after this picture
I was trying to do something similar to this:
I cam across this on pinterest and it is from the lacquer log
So I sported that mani for a couple days until it began chipping. Also my dots became dull after a while. Definitely not a many for extended wear.
I also really like Revlon's Whimsical. so I layered that over China Glaze's For Audrey.
My ring finger got some tears in it while wearing the temptation color so I had to file it down and not its short =(
Friday, May 11, 2012
Pink, Blue, and Orange all over
Since my last few manis were a little wild, I decided to do something a little more subdued. I decided to try out my new Wet n' Wild Through the Grapevine. Since I find having one color on every finger rather boring now, I like to do an accent finger. For that I used China Glaze's For Audrey with Nubar's Absolute holo on top and then did a Through the Grapevine stamp on top of that. I LOVE Seche Vite for a top coat because it dries fast and is super shiny.
Once again Tim's fur makes a good backdrop
I've been painting my toes for a lot longer than I've been painting my fingers (which is a recent development). I really got into nail polish when I was about 12 and I don't think I've had naked toes since.
I wanted to try out another of my new polishes Wet n' Wild's 9021Orange. So I decided to do a sunset mani on my toes.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
small haul
Hey, I'm writing again, 2 days in a row. I think I can get into this blogging thing. So I had to run to Wal-Greens after work because I was running low on cotton balls (which they didn't have). I perused their nail polish selection while I was there, even though I vowed to not buy any nail polish for a while. All of the Wet n' Wild nail polishes were .99, so I broke down.
Here's what I decided to get:
My phone on my camera doesn't quite do these colors justice, but its all I have for the time being.
Here's what I decided to get:
I Red a Good Book, 9021Orange, Kaleidoscope, Through the Grapevine
(I think the paper towel roll gives the background some nice texture =) )
Here is another picture of yesterdays manicure and my cat's fur.
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