Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Sorry its been a while. But I have 2 manis for your viewing pleasure.
I got a new coral color (which is a color I am really loving right now) from Sally Hansen called Temptation. To me it is just the right blend, its not too pink or too orange. So I decided to do a dot mani using my new color.

It makes me sad that my camera doesn't doesn't quite pick up the color as well as I would like. Which is a reason for my lack of posts recently. But here is a picture anyway.

 btw: I did clean up around my nail edges after this picture

I was trying to do something similar to this:

I cam across this on pinterest and it is from the lacquer log

So I sported that mani for a couple days until it began chipping. Also my dots became dull after a while. Definitely not a many for extended wear.

I also really like Revlon's Whimsical. so I layered that over China Glaze's For Audrey.

My ring finger got some tears in it while wearing the temptation color so I had to file it down and not its short =(

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