Tuesday, May 8, 2012

small haul

Hey, I'm writing again, 2 days in a row. I think I can get into this blogging thing. So I had to run to Wal-Greens after work because I was running low on cotton balls (which they didn't have). I perused their nail polish selection while I was there, even though I vowed to not buy any nail polish for a while. All of the Wet n' Wild nail polishes were .99, so I broke down.

Here's what I decided to get:
                          I Red a Good Book, 9021Orange, Kaleidoscope, Through the Grapevine
(I think the paper towel roll gives the background some nice texture =) )

My phone on my camera doesn't quite do these colors justice, but its all I have for the time being.

Here is another picture of yesterdays manicure and my cat's fur.

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